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A strategic study of the Indian news media with an aim to reduce biases among news consumers.

1 year  |  2020-current
Academic  |  Thesis Project 
Parsons School of Design  |  M.S. Strategic Design and Management  |  NYC, USA

Project Objective

The project aims to understand the influence of mass media on an individual’s opinions. How are biases formed through news media? What are the motivations of consumers to choose one source of news as opposed to the other?
How might we
facilitate objectivity in the consumption and delivery of news
reduce ideological gaps among consumers?

Qualitative Research and Analysis - Overview

5 minute animated video

Research Process

The research was divided into two parts: news delivery and news consumption. 

The study showed news providers' liabilities and strengths, and motivations for media houses to deliver the news the way they do. News consumption patterns were studied to understand the choices consumers make to pick their trusted source of news. How does a consumer judge the trustworthiness of a news platform?
How do consumers take in the news, process the news, and make it their own?

Affinity Mapping - Stakeholder & Expert Interviews

Eco-systems map of Indian news media: understanding aspects of information consumption.

Indian News.jpg

Eco-systems map of Indian news media: understanding aspects of information consumption.

Design Workshop

Studying Information Consumption

Insights: News Delivery

Aggressive Language
News delivery became more aggressive, demeanor became unprofessional, language became more discriminatory.
Commercialization leads to media houses that cater to certain stakeholders, while the needs of the minority are ignored.
Commercialization new.gif
Biased News
Providing the viewers biased news pieces which they want, instead of news that they need.

Insights: News Consumption

Bias new.gif
Confirming Biases
Consumers only watch the news to confirm their biases and not to informing themselves of current situations.
Lack of Faith
Lack of faith in news media leads to extreme confusion about what the facts are and what is manipulation.
Social Media News
Consumption through social media leads to opinions being formed through incomplete information.

EcoSystem Map

Screenshot 2022-11-17 at 5.13.28 PM.png

Landscape Analysis

Click on the list of organizations to interact with the map.
Market Trend
Most competitors' primary focus is on news delivery: Fact-checking and rating the accuracy of news.
Market Gap
There are no news sources focused on how users consume news, and how that can be more objective.
What does success look like?
end goal.gif
"Maybe there is another side of the story I should know about!"
Design Solution
grey matters logo-01.png
an app that nudges users to consume
news with more objectivity
2-minutes over-view

Key Features

Analyze Consumption Habits
The app collects data on the type of news you consume, to provide valuable insights to create opportunities for self reflection.
Bias Patterns
Analyzes delivery and language of news providers to find patterns in their handling of similar topics
News in Brief
Breaks down a complex conversation into simple, objective and succinct pieces of news.

Value Proposition

Axial_Movement 2.gif
Open Conversations
News delivery became more aggressive, demeanor became unprofessional, language became more discriminatory.
Commercialization leads to media houses that cater to certain stakeholders, while the needs of the minority are ignored.
Providing the viewers biased news pieces which they want, instead of news that they need.
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